Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008

College really isn't necessary

Am I sexist for saying that women like this contribute absolutely nothing to society and are basically a waste of boobs?
Is there such thing as a waste of boobs?
Hillary Clinton.

here is her myspace if anyone feels like pissing her off ...
Digg is not your personal army.
Yes. Yes it is. Fly my minions!
why is she in the driver's seat. Isn't that what men are for?

And people wonder why the feminist movement lacks support....
Obvious: They burned their bra's

Bet you everyone is ultra cautious with the spelling in this comments thread.
Danm Rihgt

I blame her parents. They didn't even spell her damn name right.

Why a Geek Will Steal Your Girlfriend in 2008

Users on digg are going to have a field day.

The is the happiest digg users will ever be, unless someone poses naked with an iphone while coding open sourced software.

"While your Honda Civic is trendy and hip now..."
Buried as inaccurate.